Frequently Asked Questions
Membership - FAQs
ECU Credit Union is a safe and reliable place to save as well as enjoy the privilege of borrowing at reasonable rates. Your savings are federally insured up to $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), a U.S. Government Agency.
Product & Services FAQs
- Visit or call your local branch at 1-800.382.3400 For a listing of our branch locations, click here.
- Visit one of the over 5,500 shared branch locations nationwide via the CO-OP Shared Branch network. For details and to find a location near you, click here.
- Use Virtual Branch our online/internet banking program.
- Via the telephone with our E-Z Access program.
- Via a smartphone with "Touch Banking" our Mobile Banking app.
- Use your Debit card to make purchases or pay for services.
- Use your ATM card at one of the thousands of machines nationwide. To locate a surcharge free ATM near you, click here.
Mobile Banking - FAQs
General Questions
Mobile Banking allows anyone with an online banking account to access their account information from a mobile phone. Mobile Banking offers three ways to access your accounts; subject to the access method offered by your financial institution.
- Send a text message.
- Use a mobile browser on your phone.
- Download an application to your phone.
You can choose any or all of these options, depending on the capabilities of your mobile phone and the access method offered by your financial institution. You can also receive text alerts on your phone.
Text Messaging Service
You can use the text messaging service to:
- Check your account balances.
- Review recent account activity.
- If offered by your financial institution; Find ATM and branch locations.
To use the text messaging service, your phone must send and receive text messages to and from a short code. Most mobile phones are capable of sending and receiving text messages, so your phone is most likely compatible with Mobile Banking. Please note that some mobile service carriers charge for outgoing text messages or for each message sent and received.
A few service carriers are blocking the Mobile Banking service. If your carrier is not one of the major U.S. carriers (AT&T, Sprint, T Mobile®, U.S. Cellular®, and Verizon Wireless), you may want to check with your carrier to make sure you can use the service. All major U.S. carriers, and most secondary ones, support the Mobile Banking service.
Mobile Browser Service
You can use the mobile browser service to:
- Check your account balances.
- Review recent account activity.
- Transfer money between accounts.
- If offered by your financial institution; Find ATM and branch locations.
To use the mobile browser service, your phone must have an Internet browser and may require a data services plan. You access the Mobile Banking website from a link that we send you during registration.
Downloadable Application
You can download the Mobile Banking application to your phone if offered by your financial institution. The application offers all the features of the mobile browser service.
To download the Mobile Banking application, your phone must have an operating system that supports application downloads and may require a data services plan. You download the Mobile Banking application from a link that we send you during registration.
Alerts Service
You can receive automatic alerts with information about your accounts if your financial institution supports this functionality. For example, we can send you an alert when your account balance goes below a threshold amount. You can receive alerts on your mobile phone or at - mail address.{/slider}
{slider=Is Mobile Banking secure?} To ensure the safety and privacy of your account information, we provide some key security features in Mobile Banking:
- Unique Activation Code—We send you a unique activation code to verify your phone number. This code associates your mobile phone with your account. This verification also lets you know your mobile phone number has been successfully registered in our system.
- Authentication—You are authenticated for every interaction with Mobile Banking.
- Encryption—We use 128-bit encryption for all transactions.
- Fraud Detection—We incorporate mechanisms such as transaction validation and transaction reconciliation processes to detect fraud.
- Auditability—We provide full audit capabilities through event logs and event-based reporting.
- No Identifiable Information—We don't return any personally identifiable information in a text message, such as your full account number, e-mail address, or personal address. We never ask for or include your user ID or password in any message we send.
Registration Questions
You can register for Mobile Banking through your online banking service. Be sure to turn on your mobile phone and make sure it's ready to receive text messages. When you register for Mobile Banking, you can choose which:
- Services you want to use.
- Accounts you want to access.
During registration, we send you a text message with a unique activation code to verify your phone number. This code associates your mobile phone with your account. To complete registration, enter the activation code that we send you. This verification lets you know your mobile phone number has been successfully registered in our system.
You can also call Member Services to assist you with the registration process.
Alert Questions
You can set up alerts to notify you when select activity occurs on your accounts. For example, we can send you an alert when your account balance goes below a predetermined threshold amount, such as $50. You can receive alerts on your mobile phone or at an e-mail address if this feature is offered by your financial institution.
Text Messaging Service Questions
To use Mobile Banking's text messaging service, you must:
- Have an online banking account.
- Have a mobile phone that supports SMS text messaging and short codes.
- Register for Mobile Banking and select the text messaging service.
Mobile Browser Service Questions
To use Mobile Banking's browser service, you must:
- Have an online banking account.
- Have a mobile phone that supports web browsing.
- Have a wireless data plan with your mobile service carrier.
- Register for Mobile Banking and select the mobile browser service.
Mobile Banking is optimized for a wide range of phones—providing a rich and interactive interface on touch screen phones, such as the iPhone and Android, while maintaining a simple and clean interface for a wide range of phones from a diverse set of manufacturers such as BlackBerry, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, and Sanyo.
Downloadable Application Service Questions
To download the Mobile Banking application, you must:
- Have an online banking account.
- Have a mobile phone that supports downloaded applications.
- Have a wireless data plan with your mobile service carrier.
- Register for Mobile Banking and select the downloadable application service.
Mobile Banking is optimized for iPhones, BlackBerries, and many other types of phones. However, some carriers don't support application downloads to certain types of phones. If you have any problems downloading Mobile Banking, check with your carrier to make sure it is supported on your phone.
Mobile Deposit Capture FAQs
We are pleased to offer the Mobile Deposit Capture service to you at no charge. Other fees may still apply, however, such as those for returned items or overdrafts. Please consult the ECU Credit Union Rate and Fee Schedule for those fees. In addition, you might have mobile carrier fees.

Our members are part owners and have a say in how the credit union is run. Stop by one of our offices or apply online and join ECU today.

Checking Accounts
We know everyone is different and that is why we are giving you options to select th e best fit for you. Open a checking account with benefits that protect you and goes beyond just banking.